comment from my BE WRITE HEAR women’s group:
A part of you feels stuck in career.
— What makes stuck feeling get more intense?
A part of you has been strongly feeling like something is missing.
— How long has this feeling been around?
A part of you believes a high power is aligning you with pursuing a law degree.
— What is this part afraid would happen if you didn’t pursue the law degree?
A part of you feels like it has to give up being a therapist to become a lawyer.
— What would this part miss most about being a therapist?
A part of you is grieving.
— What does this part need from you to feel safe to fully grieve?
Your parts are learning they don’t have to choose; you can create a way forward that blends both disciplines.
— Ask each part to give you a list of non-negotiables — understand the core needs that each part needs to have met no matter what.
love & rainbows
chamonix penelope
Be Write Hear
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